Local governments that are not adequately addressing the climate crisis need to be called to account for failing to protect the basic rights of their citizens, and who better to do that than the young people whose rights are already being, and will continue to be, most dramatically impacted.
- Because the future belongs to today’s young people.
- Because young people's right to a future and to a healthy environment conducive to a decent life are not being adequately respected.
- Because young people are given no voice in the halls of political power; many cannot even vote.
- Because it is their right to have a voice in protecting their future world.
- Because human rights stand as basic moral minimums that governments must to live up to;
- Because the central function of government is to secure and protect the rights of citizens;
- Because human rights serve as the clear moral standard against which government policies and practices must be measured;
- Because human rights standards are universal; they are not limited to certain people, groups, religions, nations, or situations but apply to everyone;
- Because human rights protect the poor, the disenfranchised, the unempowered, the non-privileged, the injured, minorities, indigenous peoples, women, and yes, even children. Especially children.
The important thing about human rights norms is that they set standards for what duty-bearing governments must do and must also make sure they never do.
To start your own YCC, decide who your team will be, decide which local government or government agency you will put on trial, then click on the How To pages here on the YCC site and go from there.
Review of Youth Climate Courts by The Edge
Intended for people aged teens to mid-20s (and those who love, teach, or mentor them), the book lays out a practical and replicable template for meaningful youth action in response to climate change.
Read More Review of Youth Climate Courts in The Western Environment Centre’s Newsletter
This is a marvellously clear and helpful book for anyone in their teens or early twenties wishing to become involved in fighting climate change. One of the best means for doing so are the Youth Climate Courts, an increasingly popular and efective method being pursued to encourage governments to act.
Read More Review of Youth Climate Courts in the Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law
Tom Kerns is the Founder/Director of Environment and Human Rights Advisory and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at North Seattle College in the United States of America. His work brings human rights norms to bear on environmental issues, especially in the context of the climate crisis.
Read More Audio Clip of “Dear Reader” preface to the new Youth Climate Courts book
The book is short, about 100 pages if you skip all the footnotes, and easily readable. It tells you all you need to know to organize your own Youth Climate Court. Please click Read More for an audio clip of the book’s “Dear Reader” preface.
Read More Winter 2021 YCC Newsletter
Dear Youth Climate Courts Community, The little Youth Climate Courts book is now out and available for purchase just as the COP26 climate meetings are finishing up. Learn more here.
Read More Summer 2021 YCC Newsletter
Our Summer 2021 Newsletter is out! Read about the exciting developments!
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